Use Cases
March 18, 2021
Brief description of actors and use cases
Below figure represents the use cases of the proposed project, Social Media (Twitter) Based Depression Measuring System.
The system has two main actors, namely, user and system admin. Anyone willing to receive this depression analyzing service can use this system. He is called the user. The user should be registered to access this system. Upon registering, the User should grant permission via user agreement to analyze the text data gathered from his Twitter account. Then the user is able to request depression level analysis.
AI-based analysis results should be provided in a user-friendly manner coded according to the medical officer's (MBBS Sri Lanka) guidance. It will also recommend relevant suggestions according to his results. Users can also make the above process automated by selecting custom time intervals. Users are able to send detailed reports of analysis to their physician, including standard medical, psychological screening questionnaire user data. Users are also able to access user history, view user progress, view user profile, update a user profile, and delete the account anytime. If the user's physician is not available in the system, he can request to add his physician. System admin shall review the requests and do the verification. Users are also able to provide feedback about the project.
Use case diagram
Use Case scenarios
Use case name |
User register |
Use case ID |
01 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
User should have a twitter account |
Description |
1. User selects the Register option 2. System displays the “Connect my Twitter Account” button and the user clicks it. E.1: A connection error occurs 3. System receives the details of the relevant twitter account. 2. System asks to enter the username 3. User enters username. 4. System checks the availability of the username and asks to enter a password E.2: Username has already taken 5. User enters a password 6. System verifies the password E.3: Passwords validation fails 7. System asks to enter the other required information. 9. User submit the other required information. 10.System verifies the submitted data 10. System displays the user agreement. 11.User accepts the user agreement. A.1: User//physician declines user agreement. 12.User clicks the Register now button. |
Post-condition |
User gets registered and system database updates |
Use case name |
User login |
Use case ID |
02 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should be registered. |
Description |
1. User selects Login option 2. System asks to enter the username and password 3. User enters the username and password 6. System validates username and password E.4: Username & password validation fail |
Post-condition |
Display main screen for user |
Use case name |
Depression level analysis |
Use case ID |
03 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1.User clicks the Analyze button 2.System asks to enter the relevant time period for analyzing 3.User enters the time period A.2:User/physician cancels the operation 4.System analyzes the text data gathered through Twitter API from the user’s twitter account E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 5. System displays the result. |
Post-condition |
Result is displayed |
Business rules |
System date and time should be correct. |
Use case name |
Automated depression level analysis |
Use case ID |
04 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1. User clicks Automated depression level analysis button 2. User selects the time interval to repeat the process. 3. System adds automated task to run on given time intervals 4. System runs automated analysis. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 4. E.1: Data is not sufficient. 5. System displays smart notifications. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs |
Post-condition |
Stores information in the database about automated analysis |
Use case name |
View recommended suggestions |
Use case ID |
05 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. The user should have analyzed the depression level first. |
Description |
1. User clicks view recommended suggestions button. E.1: A connection error occurs 2. System displays recommended smart suggestions according to the result of the user. (Suggestion 1: Recommends to contact a doctor Suggestion 2: Recommends relevant mindfulness videos, motivational videos, yoga exercise videos Suggestion 3: Sends a notification saying that he is doing well. ) 3. User acts according to the recommended suggestion. |
Post-condition |
Relevant suggestions are recommended to the user. |
Use case name |
Check history |
Use case ID |
06 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1. User clicks View History button 2. System asks to enter the time period to show the history of the user activity. 3. User enters the time period. A.2:User/physician cancels the operation 4.System views the history of the relevant time period E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs E.6: No data can be found for the relevant time period
Post-condition |
History of the relevant time period is viewed. |
Business rules |
System date and time should be correct. |
Use case name |
View user profile |
Use case ID |
07 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1. User selects the view profile option from the menu. 2. User views his/her details. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs |
Post-condition |
System displays the user profile. |
Use case name |
Edit user profile |
Use case ID |
08 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system.
Description |
1. User selects the ‘Edit profile’ option. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 2. User changes details or adds new details in the user profile. A.2:User/physician cancels the operation. 3. User selects ‘Save changes’. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs E.7: User/physician proceeds without filling a required field. E.8: User/physician has entered invalid details 4. System updates the data. E.5: A system error occurs
Post-condition |
System displays updated details on the user profile screen. |
Business rules |
Required fields are marked in the form. |
Use case name |
Delete account |
Use case ID |
09 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1. User selects the delete account option from the menu. 2. System prompts a message to delete or cancel. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 3. User selects confirm delete. A.2:User/physician cancels the operation E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 4. System deletes the user data from the database. E.5: A system error occurs |
Post-condition |
System returns to login screen. |
Use case name |
Send feedback |
Use case ID |
10 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1. User selects the “Send feedback” option. 2. System displays the feedback form. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 3. User fills the feedback form. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation 4. User submits the Feedback report. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs |
Post-condition |
System saves the feedback. System returns to the home screen for user |
Business rules |
The user should have used the system at least once. |
Use case name |
Send report to physician |
Use case ID |
11 |
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user should have logged into the system. The user should have done the depression level analysis process. The user should have a complete profile. |
Description |
1. User selects the ‘Contact physician’ option from the menu. 2. System displays Psychological Screening Questionnaire. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 3. User answers the Psychological Screening Questionnaire. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation 4. User submits the answers. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation. E.1: A connection error occurs 5. System saves the answers in the users’ reports. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 6. User selects his physicians. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation 11. A.1: User selects ‘Add your physician’ option. 7. User views the details of the selected physician. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 8. User selects the confirm & send. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation. 9. System sends the report to the physician. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 10. System displays a message of success status. E.5: A system error occurs 11. User returns to the main screen E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs |
Post-condition |
System returns to the home screen for user. System updates the details. |
Use case name |
Admin Login |
Use case ID |
12 |
Actor |
System Admin |
Pre-condition |
The system admin should be a super user. |
Description |
1. System admin selects the “Login” option 2. System asks to enter the username and password 3. System admin enters the username and password 6. System validates username and password E.2: Username & password validation fails |
Post-condition |
Displays main screen for system admin |
Use case name |
Verify and add physician |
Use case ID |
13 |
Actor |
System Admin |
Pre-condition |
The physician has sent a request to the system admin for the registration. |
Description |
1. System admin checks physician’s details 2. System admin verifies physician’s details 13. E.9: Physician can’t be verified. 3.Adds the physician into the system. |
Post-condition |
Displays the updated physician list |
Use case name |
Remove user/physician profiles |
Use case ID |
14 |
Actor |
System Admin |
Pre-condition |
There should be an account for the user/physician in the system |
Description |
1. System admin selects the user/physician profile that should be removed. 2. System admin clicks “Remove” button E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs
Post-condition |
Relevant user/physician profile is removed from the system |
Use case name |
View feedbacks |
Use case ID |
15 |
Actor |
System Admin |
Pre-condition |
The users have sent feedbacks |
Description |
1. System admin clicks “View feedbacks” button E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 2. System displays feedbacks from users. 3.System admin clicks OK button |
Post-condition |
Returns to the main screen for system admin. |
Use case name |
Physician register |
Use case ID |
16 |
Actor |
Physician |
Pre-condition |
Physician should have valid qualifications. |
Description |
1.Physician selects the Register option 2.System asks to enter the username 3.Physician enters username. 4. System checks the availability of the username and asks to enter a password E.2: Username has already taken 5.Physician enters a password 6. System verifies the password E.3: Passwords validation fails 7. System asks to enter the other required information. 8. Physician submit the other required information. 9.System verifies the submitted data 10. System displays the user agreement. 11. Physician accepts the user agreement. A.1: User/physician declines user agreement. 12. Physician clicks the “Register now” button. |
Post-condition |
A request is sent to the system admin to verify and add physician to the system |
Use case name |
Physician login |
Use case ID |
17 |
Actor |
Physician |
Pre-condition |
The physician should have been registered. |
Description |
1. Physician selects Login option 2. System asks to enter the username and password 3. Physician enters the username and password 6. System validates username and password E.4: Username & password validation fail |
Post-condition |
Display main screen for physician |
Use case name |
View physician profile |
Use case ID |
18 |
Actor |
Physician |
Pre-condition |
The physician should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1. Physician selects the view profile option from the menu. 2. Physician views his/her details. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs |
Post-condition |
System displays the physician profile. |
Use case name |
Edit physician profile |
Use case ID |
19 |
Actor |
Physician |
Pre-condition |
The physician should have logged into the system.
Description |
1. Physician selects the ‘Edit profile’ option. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 2. Physician changes details or adds new details in the user profile. A.2:User/physician cancels the operation. 3. Physician selects ‘Save changes’. A.2: User/physician cancels the operation. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs E.7: User/physician proceeds without filling a required field. E.8: User/physician has entered invalid details 4. System updates the data. E.5: A system error occurs
Post-condition |
System displays updated details on the physician profile screen. |
Business rules |
Required fields are marked in the form. |
Use case name |
Manage patient requests |
Use case ID |
20 |
Actor |
Physician |
Pre-condition |
The physician should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1.Physician selects the ‘Patient requests’ option from the menu. 2. Physician view requests sent by new patients/users. 3. Physician selects the ‘Confirm Request’ button. 20.A.1: Physician clicks ‘Cancel’ button. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs |
Post-condition |
Physician’s patient list is updated. System returns to physician’s main screen. |
Use case name |
View patient reports |
Use case ID |
21 |
Actor |
Physician |
Pre-condition |
The physician should have logged into the system. |
Description |
1. Physician selects the ‘View my patients’ option from the menu 2. Physician views list of his/her patients. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 3. Physician selects a patient from the list. 4. System views the relevant patient’s reports along with his/her contact details. E.1: A connection error occurs E.5: A system error occurs 5.Physician selects Close button |
Post-condition |
System returns to physician’s main screen. |
2.3.1 Alternative and Exceptional flows
Alternative flaws
A.1: User/physician declines the user agreement.
Actor |
User/Physician |
Pre-condition |
User/physician has viewed the user agreement |
Description |
1.The user/physician chose not to accept the terms and conditions of the user agreement. |
Post-condition |
Display error description. |
A.2: User/physician cancels the operation
Actor |
User/physician |
Pre-condition |
System has asked to enter the details for the operation |
Description |
1.User/physician clicks the cancel button 2.Operation stops |
Post-condition |
System returns to the home screen |
11. A.1: User selects ‘Add your physician’ option
Actor |
User |
Pre-condition |
The user has viewed the list of physicians. |
Description |
1. ‘Add your physician’ is selected instead of selecting from list |
Post-condition |
Continue with the use case Add your physician and return. |
20. A.1:Physician clicks ‘Cancel’ button.
Actor |
Physician |
Pre-condition |
System has shown requests sent by new patients. |
Description |
1.User clicks the cancel button 2. System deletes the request. |
Post-condition |
System returns to the physicians’ main screen |
Exceptional flaws
E.1: A connection error occurs
Pre-condition |
System was asked perform an operation with network connectivity |
Description |
1.System cannot connect with the server due to the network issues 2.System displays an error message |
Post-condition |
User retries User checks the network connection |
E.2: Username is not available
Pre-condition |
User has entered a username. System has checked the availability of the username. |
escription |
1. User has entered a username that is already exist in the system assigned to another user. 2. System displays a message to inform the user that the username is already taken and instructs to enter a new one. |
Post-condition |
User enters new username and proceeds to next step. |
E.3: Password is invalid
Pre-condition |
User has entered a password. System has checked whether the password and re-entered password are matching. |
Description |
1. Password and re-entered password doesn’t match. 2. System displays a message regarding password mismatch. |
Post-condition |
User enters corrects the passwords and proceeds to next step. |
E.4: Username & password validation fail
Pre-condition |
User/admin/physician has entered the username and username. System has checked for the relevant profile that matches with the given username and password. |
Description |
1. Has entered a wrong login information. 2. System displays a message to inform that the login details are Invalid and instructs to check and enter again. |
Post-condition |
User/admin/physician enters the correct login information and proceeds. |
E.5: A system error occurs
Pre-condition |
System was asked to perform an operation |
Description |
1.System fails to complete the task as it supposed to. 2.System displays an error message |
Post-condition |
User retries User sends an error report to the system System checks for any problems within it. |
E.6: No data can be found for the relevant time period
Pre-condition |
User has selected a time period |
Description |
1.System cannot find relevant data for the entered time period 2.System displays an error message |
Post-condition |
User selects new time period |
E.7: User proceeds without filling a required field.
Pre-condition |
User clicks on save option. |
Description |
1. System doesn’t proceed to next step because required field is empty. 2. The system prompts a message to inform the user to fill all the required fields. |
Post-condition |
System proceeds to the next step. |
E.8: User has entered invalid details
Pre-condition |
User clicks on save option. |
Description |
1. System doesn’t proceed to next step because the details entered are invalid or not in the correct format. 2. The system prompts a message to inform the user to enter valid details. |
Post-condition |
System proceeds to the next step. |
4. E.1: Data is not sufficient
Pre-condition |
System has checked for the data in the given time period |
Description |
1.System identifies that there is not enough data to do the analysis 2.System cancels the operation |
Post-condition |
System notifies error details. |
13. E.9: Physician can’t be verified.
Pre-condition |
The physician has sent a request to the system admin for the verification. |
Description |
1.System admin identifies the entered details of the physician are not valid. 2.System cancels the registration of the physician. |
Post-condition |
System asks to enter the correct details. |